Contact Information
Email: rwarning@smec.org
Hi Friends,
My name is Wesley, and I am so glad you've found your way to my website. I'm a native Tennessean, but I attended Gordon College on the North Shore of Boston and then went to seminary outside of Washington D.C.
I've had the chance to visit unique places and meet some wonderful people. Having worked a summer in Yellowstone National Park I have a deep love for nature and I enjoy taking long walks up really high mountains. I have traveled the globe in search of the best mocha. I've found some good ones on the west side of Jerusalem, on a busy street corner in Nairobi, and a tucked-away coffee shop 30 minutes north of Reykjavik, but Starbucks for some reason is still the best.
Honestly, there's nothing exciting about me personally or my life, but I continue to be amazed by what God is teaching me as I serve a church in Houston, TX. At the church, I work with our small group ministry and have written the curriculum for those groups. I also lead our contemporary service, young adult ministry, and podcast.
I have been deeply impacted by writers like Fleming Rutledge, Miroslav Volf, N. T. Wright, C. S. Lewis, Mark Clavier, and Wendell Berry. I'm also collecting (and reading) the biography of every U.S. president.
Along with my wife Megan and our rambunctious daughter, we continue to discover what family life and marriage are all about. We've found that life is just better with a golden retriever.
This blog is a mix of sermons, and theological ramblings, along with random thoughts that hopefully can make an impact on your life, or at the very least, bring a little light to your day.
In Christ,