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Wesley Arning
Mar 17, 20248 min read
Death: Friend or Foe?
Because of Jesus, and only because of Jesus, can death be both friend and foe. Death is no longer a judgment on God’s people because Jesus

Wesley Arning
Mar 4, 20248 min read
The Temple & Jesus in John 2
At its purest level, the Temple in Jerusalem was meant to communicate God’s covenant faithfulness with his people. It would stand forever

Wesley Arning
Feb 18, 20248 min read
Adam 2 in the Wilderness
Jesus was sandwiched seemingly between two worlds. The old world of Jerusalem and the new world of the Kingdom he was bringing about.

Wesley Arning
Feb 4, 20247 min read
The Cure to Gnawing Sorrow
And time and again in his letter he has portrayed these two forms of wisdom as coming from above and below. The wisdom that comes from above

Wesley Arning
Jan 7, 20247 min read
Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
Paul explains to them that Christian baptism is “into Jesus.” Faith is not in the Holy Spirit, it’s in Jesus, but if you believe in Jesus

Wesley Arning
Dec 24, 202318 min read
A Christmas Triduum
You are loved not because of anything that you bring to the table. Mary wasn’t known for her beauty, Joseph for his intelligence, or the

Wesley Arning
Dec 3, 20237 min read
A Whisper in the Darkness
This longing to be freed, to be safe and made whole again is caught up in the division and darkness that is presently working in this

Wesley Arning
Nov 19, 202311 min read
Use Your Talent...While There's Still Time!
This is not a parable about investing your money, it is about investing your life—all that you are and all that you possess—into God’

Wesley Arning
Nov 5, 20238 min read
All Saints & The Invisible Church
This invisible Body of Christ is made up of all the faithful who have gone before us. It began with St. Stephen, the first martyr of the

Wesley Arning
Nov 2, 20235 min read
All Souls
As followers of the Crucified and Risen Lord, we cannot exchange sorrow for hope instantly. We cannot discard grief and pain that is brought

Wesley Arning
Oct 15, 202310 min read
The Messianic Banquet
Another way to think about this messianic feast is that it’s not a fully catered meal—wait staff and all. Don’t doubt for a second that this

Wesley Arning
Oct 8, 20239 min read
"Who Ya With?" Jesus & His Authority
“Who ya with?” really gets to the heart of Jesus’ entire ministry. Slowly but surely he has been telling people that his authority is

Wesley Arning
Sep 10, 20239 min read
Resolving Conflict in Matthew 18
Life is too precious, and our gospel work too serious, to be sidetracked by personal offenses that we’ve allowed to grow deep roots in our

Wesley Arning
Aug 13, 20237 min read
Jacob's Lesson on Aging Well
The task of the second half of life is to find the contents that the container was meant to hold. Up to this point, everything has been mere

Wesley Arning
Jul 9, 20237 min read
Transforming Delight
The gospel is actually really persuasive. Shame on us as the church if we have ever made the Good News of Jesus boring and dull because

Wesley Arning
Jun 25, 20239 min read
Jesus the Great Divider
What we prioritize, both great and small, shape the life of the disciple, and as much as it makes us fidget in our pew this morning, Jesus

Wesley Arning
Jun 18, 20238 min read
Abraham's Guests
And so, whether you can have children or not, that hopeless and lonely feeling is the link that connects these women with each of us; their

Wesley Arning
Apr 23, 20238 min read
Ezra & The Remnant
Babylon could’ve become a graveyard for their people, their history, and their faith, but a miracle happened—Babylon actually became a time

Wesley Arning
Apr 9, 20239 min read
The Race to Galilee
Jerusalem may have been where Jesus died, but Galilee is where he lived. By summoning the disciples back home, Jesus is bringing them out

Wesley Arning
Feb 22, 20237 min read
Being Decent on Ash Wednesday
In a few moments, we will come up to the altar rail to receive this humbling reminder, but notice that we do something strange in this
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