The Open Secret: Paul in Athens
It was, and is, available to anyone and everyone willing to leave even a slim possibility that there is more to life than just what we see
The Open Secret: Paul in Athens
Stephen: The Will to Forgive
The Fundamentals of Faith
Let's Walk to Emmaus
Jesus of the Scars
God's Love in Action: Holy Week Sermons
Palm Sunday: We Are The Crowd
A Meditation on Psalm 130
Sermon #174: The Tornado & Psalm 121
Sermon #173: Lent & Jesus' Temptation
Ash Wednesday Meditation
Sermon #171: Anger & Lust
Sermon #170: Christian Joy
Sermon #169: Division & Unity in the Church
Sermon #168: The Heart of Evangelism
Sermon #167: Jesus' Baptism
Sermon #166: The Cross at Christmas
Sermon #165: Heaven Was Ready But We Weren't
Sermon #164: A Not So Silent Night
Sermon #162: Mary's Magnificat